New York Personal Injury Law Blog » Attorney Ethics, First Amendment


April 17th, 2007

Raoul Felder — In Violation of New York Advertising Rules?

Celebrity matrimonial lawyer, talking head and author Raoul Felder is all over the legal news these days because of a new book he co-wrote with Jackie Mason. (see: N.Y. Judicial Conduct Commission Throws the Book at Chairman-Author)

The uproar is due to his also being the chairman of a state commission that oversees judges, and he has now been given a unanimous vote of no confidence by the other nine members of the commission for helping to write the book they said is racially and ethnically inflammatory.

So I checked out Felder’s law firm website, as I did once before on February 8th (Rudy Giuliani Among New York Attorneys That Violate New Ethics Rules), and it seems Felder has still failed to comply with New York’s new ethics rules that require law firm websites to be properly labeled as attorney advertising.

It just seems to be that if you want to be in the limelight, you ought to be extra careful to make sure you don’t run afoul of ethics rules.

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