New York Personal Injury Law Blog » Blogging, Flea Medical Malpractice Case, Medical Malpractice


May 31st, 2007

More on Doctor "Flea" Being Outed On The Witness Stand

The outing of Flea’s real identity in the Boston Globe is now generating an immense amount of comment in the blogosphere. (For those new to the story, see Doctor “Flea” Settles Malpractice Suit After Blog Exposed In Court): So I’d like to add a few additional observations and links:

First, I learned of Flea’s outing yesterday when Jonathan Saltzman of The Boston Globe called me for comment. To say I was stunned would be an understatement. While I had discussed the risks of his posting confidential trial prep work back on May 8th, I told Saltzman I was surprised to see it actually happen.

Second, I wrote this morning’s lengthy post last night, and then held it for today, since the story belonged to the Globe, and not me.

Third, I picked up a hard copy of the Globe. The story is front page, above the fold. Which is to say, his patients and colleagues will all see it.

Fourth, the Globe story said the outing was on May 14th, and the settlement was the 15th. Flea took down his blog in totality on the 16th. So the blog came down after it was all over.

Fifth, while I hadn’t appreciated it before, the Flea photo from his blog (with guitar, above) is apparently that of the musician by the same name. (Hat tip to Michael Grant.)

Addendum — Sixth, Saltzman informed me during our conversation yesterday that Flea’s attorneys were unaware of the blog, which means of course, that Flea didn’t tell them and he wasn’t prepped by his attorneys on the subject on how to deal with it if it should come up.

Below are some of the medical and legal blogs that have already picked up various parts of this story today:

There will be others and I will try to update later…


Somehow, I don’t think we have seen the end of this…

Addendum 6/1/07 — More:

Addendum 6/4/07 — More:

Last Addendum: After interviewing plaintiff’s counsel, I wrote three more posts on the subject:

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