New York Personal Injury Law Blog » Random Notes


April 3rd, 2009


Scott Kreppein with some useful New York legal links;

Vin Bonventure with the voting records and analysis of New York Court of Appeals Judges Robert Smith and Eugene Piggott as swing votes;

Andrew Barovick reports on three medical malpractice cases out of New York’s appellate courts, dealing with wrongful life, dental/cancer malpractice, and a re-enactment request during a deposition;

Marc Randazza on New York’s poll pole tax on exotic dancers, and he finds a lot of tax-free singles; He also sees Dallas Mavericks’ owner Mark Cuban seeking free legal advice from the blogosphere on whether Twitter posts are copyrightable;

Barry Barnett on New York’s Court of Appeals enforcing a contingent fee split between attorneys;

Scott Greenfield reads a NY Post article about a granny that shoots a “thug” with her .358 magnum, (via Overlawyered), then he destroys the Post on the subject;

George Wallace gives us Blawg Review #205 at Declarations and Exclusions this week in a musically celestial version, which he then followed with his annual April Fool’s Blawg Review Appendix at A Fool in the Forest. Lord, what fools these mortals be;

Passover is coming. And yes, there is a Facebook edition to the Hagadah:

(Moses has written a note on Pharaoh’s Wall: Let my people go! See Wall to Wall )

And, in case you still have nightmares of the sickly sweet Manischewitz Extra Heavy Malaga that you grew up with…Kosher for Passover Tequila! As Bart Simpson would say, Ay Caramba!

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