New York Personal Injury Law Blog » Linkworthy


May 26th, 2011


Some things I’d love to write more about if only I had more time…

Walter Olson speaks out against federal medical malpractice “reform”; (I had previously written about a federal power grab of state tort issues while Bush II was in office.)

Medical immunity in Florida that they call tort “reform;”

Did you know…malpractice costs play a surprisingly small role in our healthcare costs?

Want to see a good reason people hate health insurance companies? United Healthcare Decides You Only Needed Second Of Two Procedures

Proof that Twitter doesn’t work as business development for blogging;

A killer Blawg Revew #310 by Siouxsie Law, the world’s leading Goth based law blog;

And when Don McLean sang that he took his Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry, was he referring to a bar in New Rochelle?

3 thoughts on “Linkworthy

  1. Pingback: Medical liability reform: the federalism problem

  2. @Bryan

    I really don’t agree with the one about twitter not working. Considering you have a twitter I assume you disagree as well?

    I really only use it as a means of distributing blog posts. I don’t consider that business development.