November 27th, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

Two years ago at this time I wished one and all a Happy Thanksgiving as I celebrated my fifth year blogging. And I dressed up in a turkey suit for a local race.

I’m now past my seventh year as a blogger, and I still do the turkey costume for the race. And if you want to read why, you can click on that link I just provided.

I make only one request for Thanksgiving Day. Please try to spend it with friends and family, and not digital devices unless you’re using that phone function that many of them seem to have, to talk with important people in your life that couldn’t be with you.

And stay out of the stores. If you are foolish enough to go on Friday, don’t say you weren’t warned about the dangers.

Happy Thanksgiving one and all. May it be safe and festive, and may you give some thought to those who are not as well off as you likely are if you have the modest means needed to read this little blog.


November 25th, 2013

Who Will Be Injured On Thanksgiving Friday?

wal-mart-789124It happens every year like clock-work. The pleasant Friday after Thanksgiving gets turned into a commercial “holiday” as stores try to engineer a great rush on their front doors for the TV cameras.

A few high profile loss leaders for sale, lots of crowds, and free publicity.

Except that stores generally suck at crowd control, unless they are owned by Apple. And having engineered this wretched experience, some stores get more than they wished for as too-big-to-handle crowds show up.

I’ve written about this before, when a worker was killed in a Wal-Mart stampede.

The race by retailers to pull people away from their families with this nonsense has now extended to some stores forcing employees to forego the actual Thanksgiving holiday and come in and open the stores on that day. It’s a Thanksgiving celebration with no Thanksgiving.

My best hope is that, come next week, I get to say “I was wrong” with regard to the injuries, instead of “I told you so.” Sometimes I like being wrong.

Updated: Walmart chaos.